
Las Ruinas Romanas en Mérida

Monday, February 4, 2019

AP Spanish Week 4

lunes, el 4 de febrero

Objetivos:  Discutir el significado cultural de Mole y Huevos Fritos analizando las recetas y el video.
Pregunta Esencial:  ¿Qué significado cultural tiene la comida?
Repasar tarea - Preguntas de Comprensión - Mole y Huevos Fritos, Superbowl
Presentar:  Un Plato Tradicional - Requisitos/Descripción/Rúbrica
Tarea:  Presentación:  Un Plato Tradicional

Tuesday, February 5th

Welcome back Sr. Kurtenbach - thank you for subbing!
Objectives:  Understand and describe the cultural significance of Mole and other traditional mexican dishes by watching the Spanish film Canela.  
Essential Questions:  Who are the main characters?  Why does Maria's grandmother no longer cook in the family restaurant?
Watch Part 1 of Canela
Image result for canela movie
Homework:  Start to complete Canela Worksheet.
Investigate traditional dish from Spanish-speaking country.

Wednesday, February 6th

Objectives:  Understand and describe the cultural significance of Mole and other traditional mexican dishes by watching the Spanish film Canela.  
Essential Questions:  What are the differences in Chef Rosi and Doña Teri?  How does Maria plan to help the restaurant?
Watch Part 2 of Canela
Image result for canela movie
Homework:  Continue completing Canela Worksheet.  
Investigate traditional dish from Spanish-speaking country.

Thursday, February 7th

Objectives:  Understand and describe the cultural significance of Mole and other traditional mexican dishes by watching the Spanish film Canela.  
Essential Questions:  How does movie end - why is movie called 'Canela'?  What is the cultural significance of your traditional dish and how is it prepared?
Finish watching Canela
Individual Work Time - Traditional Dish from Spanish-speaking country
Image result for moros y cristianos recipe
Homework:  Complete Canela Worksheet.  
Investigate and create slide presentation for a traditional dish from Spanish-speaking country.

Friday, February 8th

Objectives:  Understand and describe the cultural significance of a traditional dish from a Spanish-speaking country by investigating internet resources.  
Essential Questions:   What is the cultural significance of your traditional dish and how is it prepared?
Turn in Canela Worksheet.
Individual Work Time - Traditional Dish from Spanish-speaking country
Image result for ropa vieja recipe
Homework:  Complete investigation and slide presentation for a traditional dish from Spanish-speaking country.  Add your slides to the appropriate Class Period - Do not make changes to the theme/layout after you add slides:
Practica - 'Se' Pasiva y 'Se Impersonal' - https://www.spanishdict.com/guide/impersonal-se-vs-passive-se

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