
Las Ruinas Romanas en Mérida

Friday, May 26, 2017

AP Summer 2017 Assignment

Tarea de Verano

The purpose of this ‘Summer Assignment’ is simply to keep you ‘in touch’ with your Spanish over the summer.  Below are 3 options - choose the one that will best fit your interests!  This assignment will be collected and graded the first week of class.

Opción 1: Harry Potter y la piedra filosofal
*Current Spanish IV students or any Harry Potter fan - See Sra. Tollinger for book!
Después de leer el libro completo, escribe un ensayo en que contestas las siguientes preguntas. (mínimo de 150 palabras)

¿Qué pasó al final del libro de Harry Potter y la piedra filosofal?  
¿Por qué ocurrió este acontecimiento?
Describe tu reacción al final y tu opinión del libro completo.  
Opción 2: BBC Mundo
This is always a great place to read and hear the latest news in Spanish. Download the app for free on your phone!  Each week read or listen to at least one article.  Fill out the sheet - noting date, article title, summary and new vocabulario with a brief explanation in Spanish.
See file for summary pages: Summary Pages - 12 Weeks = 12 articles

Opción 3: Spanish Podcasts
Like listening to podcasts?  Great site for listening and learning all things Spanish - listen to 10 podcasts and fill out the summary pages. https://www.spanishpodcast.net/
 See file for summary pages: Summary Pages

Escuchar y Gramática (práctica adicional)
This is a great site for listening on all kinds of topics. There are activities for you to check your comprehension.

Conjuguemos: This is a great place to review your grammar concepts.

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