lunes el 10 de abril
Presentaciones - Inmigrantes Hispanohablantes
TAREA: ¡No hay tarea!
martes 11 de abril
Terminar las presentaciones
TAREA: Preparación para un ensayo persuasivo con fuentes.
WB 229 Apéndice E (citar fuentes)
All students should
have handout on persuasive essay writing
know how to cite sources
refer to el cuaderno negro 170-173 tips
understand task
understand particulars – read for 6 minutes
- listen to audio 2x’s (9 min)
- write for 40 min. (55 min total time) 200-250 words
- must incorporate all 3 sources
miércoles el 12 de abril
Escribir ensayo persuasivo: Presentar las fuentes
AP Workbook p 193 # 11
To access the sources - Vista website: AP Spanish Language and Culture Exam Prep
Content: Section II, Part B (Free Response) #11 Fuentes 1,2,3
To access the sources - Vista website: AP Spanish Language and Culture Exam Prep
Content: Section II, Part B (Free Response) #11 Fuentes 1,2,3
TAREA: Escribir tu introducción
jueves el 13 de abril
Ensayo persuasivo
TAREA: ¡No hay tarea!
viernes el 14 de abril
No hay escuela.
Note regarding next week's Testing Schedule:
Note regarding next week's Testing Schedule:
Next week our juniors will be involved in Smarter Balance testing and our freshmen and sophomores will have career day activities. Our seniors will NOT have to be at school during the mornings of those three days.
Seniors will report at 11:30 AM on Wednesday, April 19, for 4th period. (AP class in pm)
Seniors will report at 11:30 AM on Wednesday, April 19, for 4th period. (AP class in pm)
Seniors will report at 10:55 AM on Thursday, April 20 for 3rd period. (Optional class at 9:30-10:15)
Seniors will report at 10:55 AM on Friday, April 21 for 3rd period. (Optional class at 9:30-10:15)
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